上海协和国际外籍人员子女学校(原上海协和国际学校)建立于1998年,是由中国教育部和上海市教委批准办学的外籍人员子女学校,为在沪的3至18岁外籍学生提供高水准的美式课程教育。 1998年来自香港国际学校的资深教师团队来到上海建立了上海协和国际外籍人员子女学校(原上海协和国际学校)。 2011年,上海协和国际外籍人员子女学校的经验丰富的教师团队前往越南帮助建立了河内协和国际学校。这种姐妹学校之间珍贵的传承为三所学校 提供了持续的、高质量的专业合作并建立了亲密的大家庭关系。 在中国,协和国际是一所独立运营的学校且只有位于上海浦东金桥碧云社区的一个校区。我校与中国其他名为"Concordia"或"协和"的学校没有关联。协和国际不是所谓的"协同亚洲学校联盟"成员,也跟所谓的"中国协同教育集团"没有关联。 除此之外,2017年6月协和国际和上海的华师大附属双语学校缔结了姐妹学校。 这是协和国际在原生的大家庭之外所拥有的唯一一所姐妹学校,旨在为两校师生的交流学习、课程合作和其他联合活动提供各种机会。通过两校之间的频繁互动,协和国际将吸取中国教育实践的精华,而华师双语将更深入了解美式教育,双方都能进一步让国际学生和中国学生获益良多。如同这样,协和国际努力地进一步发展其全球平台,使得学生和教师拥有多样且丰富的深度学习机会。 今天,上海协和国际学校为来自不同经历和背景的1300多名学生提供教育,并提供从学前班到12年级的完整课程。我们拥有最先进的校园和设施,使我们的学生和教师始终处于创新和先进学习的前沿。我们的行政领导团队由来自不同学科和行业的专家组成,包括国际学校教育、高等教育和企业业务。我们的毕业生进入世界上最优秀的最适合的大学,追求他们的激情,服务于他们的个人需求。而我们经验丰富、敬业的教师们则在充满爱和快乐的关系中,为学生们提供一流的教育体验。 无论是在这里学习一年还是十五年,我们的学生和家庭都会因为在康科迪亚的学习而改变。 在Concordia,我们把每一个学生都看作是上帝的礼物,是父母托付给我们的,并致力于在基督教的管理下,在培养环境中对学生进行全面教育,包括在学术、创意艺术、灵修、体育、共同课程活动和服务方面提供全面而富有挑战性的机会。 我们与学生和家长合作,建立了一个学习社区,以高期望值促进全面教育。 通过给予多于索取、仁爱、宽恕与和平的实践,我们的社区培养出了仆人式的领袖。 我们共同庆祝我们的精神生活,重视每个人的平等,我们尊重和关心所有人,在社区的背景下为个人做出最好的决定。 康科迪亚将成为一个全球平台,促进更深入的学习和改变生活,在一个复杂而动态的世界中引领变革。
Eligibility Requirements
Concordia follows the regulations set by the Shanghai Education Commission:
Concordia may only accept students with a valid non-PRC passport or an “Official Letter of Approval to Attend Concordia” from the Shanghai Education Commission.
All students must be living with at least one parent in Shanghai throughout their time of study at Concordia.
All students must comply with government-mandated document requirements (provided below)
Note: Should Concordia become aware that an enrolled student is living in Shanghai without at least one parent or does not hold current copies of the required government-mandated documents, the student will be asked to leave school and all tuition/fees paid will be forfeited.
The Shanghai Municipal Education Commission (SHMEC) requires that international schools keep on file several official documents for each student. Please reference the categories below to determine into which category your family falls, then submit the relevant documents when requested during the application process.
Category 1: Foreign Families with at Least One Working Parent; Shanghai Work Permit Required (外籍家庭)
在上海工作的家长和学生本人均持有国外护照, 家长需持工作许可, 学生需持合法入境签证。
Category 2: Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan Families with at Least One Working Parent (港澳台家庭)
Category 3: Student Born Overseas; One PRC Parent Holds Shanghai Hukou or Recent 12 months of Tax Records in Shanghai. ( 海外出生学生)
Category 4: One Parent Holds Foreign Passport and Shanghai Work Permit/Shanghai Reunion Residence Permit; Biological Child and Legally Married Spouse Hold PRC passports.
Please note: The residence permit and work permit must be issued in Shanghai.
Please consult Admissions Office through 86-21-5899 0380 if you are unsure whether your child is eligible for applying.
Students applying for Kindergarten (our 5 year-old program) through Grade 12 must possess proficient English language skills (age-appropriate listening, speaking, reading and writing). Preschool and Pre-Kindergarten students may be admitted with beginning English.
An English assessment may be given to candidates based on the following:
Native and home languages
Number of years in an English-language curriculum
School records
Teacher recommendations
All Preschool applicants for whom we have seats reserved will be scheduled for a Preschool Readiness Interview. Full acceptance is issued only after successful completion of this interview.
Preschool students must be fully potty trained.
Admission to Concordia is contingent upon a match between the student’s learning needs and levels of service available at the time of application. As a result, all decisions regarding admission for students who may need minimal accommodation or support are made on an individual, case-by-case basis to ensure that individual students will find personal and academic success within our community. We ask families whose children have specialized schooling requirements to include documentation and full disclosure* of these needs and the reasons for these requirements with the application. Parents are invited to discuss their child’s needs at any time without a fee.
*Failure to disclose full history of learning needs can result in dismissal from the school.
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