联系方式 Contact Details 地址 / Address 广州市黄埔区科学城科珠路233号4号楼1-3层 Floor 1-3, No.4 233 Kezhu Road, Science City, Huangpu District, Guangzhou 电话 / Tel +86 189 2759 5602 邮箱 / Email info-china@guidepostmontessori.com 校区信息 Campus Details 开放时间 / Opening Hours 周一至周五 08:00 - 18:00 Monday to Friday 08:00 - 18:00 招生年龄范围 / Age Range 6 个月 - 6 岁 6 months - 6 years old 课程设置 / Programs 婴儿班(6 - 18 个月) Nido Class ( 6 - 18 months ) 幼儿班(18 个月 - 3 岁) Toddler Class ( 18 months - 3 years old ) 儿童之家国际班(3 - 6 岁) Children's House International Class ( 3 - 6 years old ) 儿童之家双语班 (3 - 6 岁) Children's House Bilingual Class ( 3 - 6 years old ) 班级人数 / Class Size 婴儿班 - 最多 9 人 Nido Class - Up to 9 students 幼儿班 - 最多 16 人 Toddler Class - Up to 16 students 儿童之家国际班 - 最多 24 人 Children's House International Class - Up to 24 students 儿童之家双语班 - 最多 24 人 Children's House Bilingual Class - Up to 24 students 师生比 / Guide to Child Ratio 婴儿班 - 1:3 Nido Class - 1:3 幼儿班 - 1:6 Toddler Class - 1:6 儿童之家国际班 - 1:8 Children's House International Class - 1:8 儿童之家双语班 - 1:8 Children's House Bilingual Class - 1:8 餐食 / Meal 两餐两点 - 早餐、午餐、上下午点心 Two Meals with Two Snacks - Breakfast, Lunch, Morning and Afternoon Snacks 室外场地 / Outdoor Venue 有 Yes 校园环境 Campus Environment 璞子园(广州·科学城校区)位于广州科学城中心,周围国际化学习氛围浓厚。校区环境优美,设施完善,总占地面积约 7, 000 ㎡,含约 4, 000 ㎡ 的户外空间。校区共设有 11 间教室和12 间功能教室,1 个能容纳上千本绘本的图书馆,及 1 个室内恒温泳池。 Guidepost Montessori at Science City is located in the center of Guangzhou Science City, where arrounded by numbers of international schools. The campus is well facilited and with a pleasant environment. The total area reached about 7,000 ㎡, including nearly 4,000 ㎡ outdoor space. There are eleven classrooms and twelve functional classrooms, with a library that can accommodate more than a thousand picture books, and an indoor swimming pool. 户外(图一) Outdoor Venue (Photo One) 户外(图二) Outdoor Venue (Photo Two) 公共大堂 Lobby 室内活动空间(一) Indoor Activity Area (One) 室内活动空间(二) Indoor Activity Area (Two) 婴儿班教室(图一) Nido Classroom (Photo One) 婴儿班教室(图二) Nido Classroom (Photo Two) 幼儿班教室(图一) Toddler Classroom (Photo One) 幼儿班教室(图二) Toddler Classroom (Photo Two) 儿童之家(图一) Children’s House (Photo One) 儿童之家(图二) Children’s House (Photo Two) 一日流程 Daily Schedule 婴儿班 Nido Class 幼儿班 Toddler Class 儿童之家国际班 Children's House International Class 儿童之家双语班 Children’s House Bilingual Class
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