1 办学情况及特色 Introduction of the School 上海浦东新区民办康德学校(原民办新金童小学)践行“身心健康、德才兼备”教育思想,以上下求索为使命,建设浦东新区面向世界的新时代民办学校。办学理念:享受学习、共同成长、富有责任感与社会化。 Shanghai Concord Bilingual School aims to develop students into physically and mentally healthy young people, who act with integrity. The school takes exploration and pursuit as its mission, and strives to build a private school for the new era facing the world in Pudong New Area. The school's philosophy is to enjoy learning, grow together, and cultivate a sense of responsibility and socialization. 学校依托康德品牌和办校经验,崇尚学术立校。让学生植根于爱国主义和民族文化精神的沃土中,具有丰富感情世界、知性世界和理性世界;让学生在求取知识和真理的理想中为民族复兴之梦而自由飞翔。让学生汲取先进思想文化精髓中,具有使命意识和责任担当。 The school, relying on Concord Brand, and its experience in running schools, advocates establishing itself on academic grounds. It aims to provide students with a fertile ground rooted in patriotism and national cultural spirit, fostering rich emotional, intellectual, and rational worlds. It encourages students to freely soar towards the ideal of seeking knowledge and truth for the dream of national rejuvenation. It also strives to imbue students with a sense of mission and responsibility by absorbing the essence of advanced ideological and cultural thinking. 通过课程方案的制定与实施,整合校内外各类教育教学资源,提供给学生更多选择、体验、实践和尝试的机会,培养学生的学习兴趣与自信;通过课程结构的优化整合,促进教师队伍建设专业化,打造健康和谐的校园文化。 Through the development and implementation of curriculum plans, integration of various educational resources both inside and outside of the school, we aim to provide students with more opportunities for choice, experience, practice, and experimentation, cultivating their interest and confidence in learning. By optimizing and integrating the curriculum structure, we also aim to promote the professional development of our teaching staff and build a healthy and harmonious campus culture. 学校总建筑面积达67631.4平方米,占地面积33840平方米,户外面积17862平方米。学校配备充足齐全的学生教室,并设置有大型剧场、图书馆、环形跑道室外操场、室内游泳池、体育馆、健身房、舞蹈房、艺术教室、实验室、学生宿舍、学生餐厅等。上海浦东新区民办康德学校希望通过融合双语教育、应用优秀的教育理念及资源,为国内民办教育带来多样性、优质化发展。 The total building area of the school is 67,631.4 square meters, occupying a land area of 33,840 square meters, with an outdoor area of 17,862 square meters. The school is equipped with adequate and complete student classrooms, as well as a large theater, library, circular outdoor track and field, indoor swimming pool, gymnasium, fitness room, dance studio, art classroom, laboratory, student dormitories, and student cafeteria, among other facilities. SCBS hopes to bring diversity and high-quality development to domestic private education by integrating bilingual education and applying excellent educational concepts and resources. 本校不引进境外课程,不使用境外教材。执行“三个承诺”:不提前组织学生报名或变相报名,不举行任何测试、测评、学科练习、面试或面谈,招生录取不与任何培训机构挂钩。 The school does not introduce overseas courses or use foreign textbooks. The following “three promises” will be strictly enforced: No advance registrations or interviews,no acceptance of special CVs and certificates from appropriately aged students, no association with any education training organisations. 2 招生对象及计划 Enrolment Target and Plan
1. 招生对象 Enrolment Target 小学:2016年9月1日-2017年8月31日出生,符合入学条件的适龄儿童 Primary School: Children born between September 1, 2016 and August 31, 2017 who meet the age requirements for admission. 初中:符合入学条件的小学五年级毕业生 Middle School: Graduates of Grade 5 who meet the admission requirements for the school.
2. 招生计划 Enrolment Plan 本校招生计划总数:240个 小学:120 初中:120 Total enrolment plans: 240 Primary school: 120 Middle School: 120 小学 Primary School:
初中 Middle School:
5月20日,区教育局将组织符合条件分设计划(打*类)录取的学生进行验证,确认是否符合报名条件。验证不通过的将不予录取。 On May 20th, the district education bureau will organize students who have been admitted to the enrolment plan through the category of admissions based on their qualifications for verification to confirm whether they meet the registration requirements. Those who fail the verification will not be admitted. 3 报名方式及时间 Registration 通过“一网通办”网站(zwdt.sh.gov.cn)进入义务教育入学专栏,也可通过“上海市义务教育入学报名系统”(shrxbm.edu.sh.gov.cn)进行网上报名和填报志愿。 You can enter the section for compulsory education enrolment by using the "One Network, One Application" website (zwdt.sh.gov.cn), and you can also apply and submit your preferences online through the "Shanghai Compulsory Education Enrollment Registration System" (shrxbm.edu.sh.gov.cn). 报名时间: 小学:5月6日- 8日 初中:5月11日-13日 Registration Time: Primary School: May 6-8 Middle School: May 11-13 4 招生录取时间 Enrollement Date 5月17日-18日 电脑随机录取 5月22日 民办调剂志愿录取 May 17-18: Computer random selection for admission. May 22: Private institution adjustment and voluntary admission. 5 收费标准 Tuition Fees and Standards 2023年学费标准: 小学不超过84,000元/学期 初中不超过95,500元/学期 住宿费不超过16,000元/学期 (以物价部门核定为准) 学校将及时在学校官网(或微信公众号)上公布,请家长查询。 Tuition fees for 2023: Primary school: not exceeding 84,000 yuan per semester Middle school: not exceeding 95,500 yuan per semester Accommodation fees: not exceeding 16,000 yuan per semester (subject to verification by the pricing department). The school will promptly announce the fees on the school's official website (or WeChat public account) for parents to inquire. 6 校址及招生联系电话 The School Address and Contact Details 地址:上海市浦东新区北蔡镇康恒路70号 地铁11、18号线(御桥站) 电话:021-53079916 或 13701890327(招生热线) 联系人:张老师 (星期一至星期五 8:00-16:00,节假日除外) 邮箱:sisy.zhang@concordschool.com.cn Address: No. 70 Kangheng Road, Beicai Town, Pudong New District, Shanghai Metro Line 11 and Line 18 (YUQIAO Station) Phone: 021-53079916/13701890327 (Admissions Hotline) Contact Person: Ms. Zhang (Monday to Friday 8:00-16:00, except for holidays) Email: sisy.zhang@concordschool.com.cn
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