In accordance with the relevant regulations and policies set by the Shanghai Municipal Education Commission (SHMEC), as a private foreign-international school, SCIS is only allowed to offer enrollment to students who qualify within one of the four categories listed below:
• Type A – Child of a Foreign Citizen
• Type B – Child of PRC Citizens, who meets one of the following conditions:
• B1 – Child with a Foreign Birth Certificate
• B2 – Child Born in Hong Kong, Macau or Taiwan
• Type C – Child of Hong Kong, Macau or Taiwan Residents
See the checklist below to learn more about what supporting documents are required for each category listed above.
• Students are not required to have a base foundation in English; however, it is highly recommended. Space within the EAL program is limited.
• Parents and child are required (if possible) to arrange a campus tour/meeting before applying for admission.
• In some cases, the student may be required to attend a trial day as part of the application process.
• Parents should submit all previous school reports, teacher comments/recommendations, and any other relevant information that would support the student application.
• If standardized assessment or English language proficiency assessment results are available, these should be submitted as part of the student application. We prefer NWEA MAP scores (standardized assessment) and WIDA results (English language proficiency assessment), but will accept other formats.
• As a community-centered institution, SCIS values strong and supportive family units. We consider the entire family unit as an applicant to the school.
Upon enrollment, students are placed in a grade level by our Admissions Committee based on a variety of factors, including their previous academic history, chronological age, and development. For younger students (early childhood & lower primary school), a greater emphasis is placed on age and developmental appropriateness. In some cases, students may be considered for placement outside of their chronological age group, but only if there is significant justification to do so as determined by the school. In all cases, placements may be reviewed after a period of formal assessments and observations. The divisional administration will make the final decision regarding grade level placement.
Students who apply from schools or educational systems with a different school calendar (like those commonly found in schools in Korea, Japan, Singapore, or Australia) will be placed in the grade level that they are currently attending if they are admitted at the start of the new school year. If they are accepted in January, they will be placed in the grade level that they have just completed at their previous school. All students must graduate from Grade 12 before their 20th birthday.
At SCIS, we believe that our collective intelligence increases through diversity. We are intentional about ensuring that each of our homeroom groups is a representation of SCIS’s international community. Therefore, we consider nationality, mother-tongue, English language proficiency, academic status, age, and gender in the formation of homeroom groups. To ensure diverse groupings, SCIS is not able to honor parent requests for a particular teacher or homeroom placement.
See our Age/Grade Level Guidelines below in order to determine which grade level your child is eligible for. Applicants must be the designated age (as stated below) on or before September 30 of the academic year for which the applicant is applying.
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