幼儿智力正常、身体健康(无慢性传染病) Children of normal health (no chronic or infectious diseases) 托班 Prek:2018.9.1—2019.8.31 小班 K 1: 2017.9.1—2018.8.31 中班 K 2: 2016.9.1—2017.8.31 大班 K 3: 2015.9.1—2016.8.31 01 扫码报名 QR Code Registration 请扫描下方二维码,填写幼儿资料。 Please scan the QR code and register your details. 02 资料审核 Data Review 园方对幼儿资料进行审核,审核通过后会以电话或短信形式通知家长,预约参观时间。 The school will review all applications and notify succesful applicants by phone or text to arrange a visit. 03 入园参观 Campus Visit 请家长根据预约时间带孩子入园参观体验。 Parents are invited to bring their children to the school for a tour. 04 园长约见 Meeting with Principal 体验日结束后,园长将与家长沟通教育理念、了解幼儿的个性特点及生活习惯等,遵从双向选择等原则确认学位。预录取的幼儿,园方会以电话形式通知家长进一步安排。 After the tour, the principal will gove a talk about Wesley’s educational philosophy and then some. For pre-admitted children the school will notify parents by phone to make further arrangements. 05 确认学位 Confirmed Qualifications 经确认学位的幼儿,需在指定日期内递交纸质资料并办理入园相关手续。 Toddlers with confirmed qualifications must submit paper copies and follow relevant procedures. 06 入园体检 Physical Examination 在指定日期完成体检。 A Physical Examination will be conducted on a designated date. ★园 所 介 绍 ★ 杭州市江干区唯诗礼幼儿园创建于2020年9月,是江干区教育局管理下的民办幼儿园。 Hangzhou Wesley School Jianggan Campus was established in September 2020. It is a private school managed by the Education Bureau of Jianggan District. 唯诗礼幼儿园(江干园)位于杭州市江干区严家路162号,建筑面积为3894平方米、户外面积为1900平方米,培养目标及招生对象是2-6岁的幼儿。拥有超大室内外空间、高端的硬件环境、全外教配备、IB PYP课程体系等特点。设计规模为11个教学班,分托班、小班、中班、大班,现有幼儿117名。幼儿园拥有绘本海洋、创客工坊、乐高王国、魔法厨房、稚绘天地、星梦空间、艺韵琴房、梦想小镇等创享空间及其他大型主题活动区,为开阔幼儿视野、发展幼儿兴趣、丰富幼儿感受和体验提供全方位的支持。 Wesley School (Jianggan Campus) is at 162 Yanjia Road, Jianggan District, Hangzhou. It covers a total of 3894 square meters, with the outdoor playground measuring 1900 square meters. The age of enrollment is 2-6. It boasts a large indoor and outdoor environment with top of the line equipment, a foreign teaching team, IB PYP curriculum, and more. It can accomodate 11 classes. There are cureently 117 children already enrolled and attending. There are multiple “hobby” rooms including the Lego Room, Magic Kitchen, Art Room, Woodwork Room, Music Room... then rhere are other large themed spaces that are specifically designed to broaden children’s horizons, develop their interests, and nurture their feelings, such as an open library, the Dream Town, and more! 唯诗礼幼儿园以《3-6岁儿童学习与发展指南》为指导,基于《完整儿童课程》,融入杭州地方特色和资源,通过讨论、调查、实验、参观、小组教学等形式开展探究性学习,旨在提升幼儿的思考、研究、沟通和社交,以及自我管理等方面的技能,促进幼儿好奇、自信、专注、创造、反思等良好的学习品质,保持幼儿的学习热情,培养遵守规则、诚实守信的意识,以及应对变化不定事物的能力。该课程更注重学习过程,重视幼儿的参与和体验,其重点不是寻找正确答案,而是寻找解决问题的方法。 Wesley is guided by ”Early Years 3-6 Learning and Development” and “Complete Children’s Curriculum”. It incorporates local characterisitcs and resources from Hangzhou and conducts exploratory learning through discussions, surveys, experiments, surveys and group teaching. It aims to improve children’s thinking, research, communciation and social skills, as well as self management skills, curiosity, confidence, focus, creativity, reflection, enthusiasm to learning, trustworthiness, honesty, the ability to adapt and change, and other good learning qualities based on a Child Centred Approach. The focus of the curriculum is on the learning process, participation, voice, choice and ownership. It is not about finding the answer, but finding ways to solve problems. 唯诗礼幼儿园的“诗礼”二字取自《论语﹒季氏》篇,以承“修身养德,诗礼传家”之意。圣人重教,诗礼为先。不学《诗》,无以言;不学《礼》,无以立。传承诗礼文化,树立德育典范,唯诗礼幼儿园将秉承“诗礼传家”的优良传统,将“有教无类、因材施教”的儒家教育思想融入国际先进的教学实践中,致力于打造一个东西方文化交融的环境,构建幼儿个性、创造力和情商全面发展的幼教平台,形成一个幼儿、家长、教师共同成长的学习型社区,培养具有中国底蕴、国际情怀的终身学习者。 The words “poem“ (shi) and “ceremony” (li) in Wesley‘s Chinese name is taken from the ”Analects of Confucius“. If you don’t learn poetry, you can’t speak. If you don’t learn ceremony, you can’t stand up. Inheriting the culture of poetry and etiquette makes Wesley’s model of moral education. Wesley is dedicated to combining these values with international teaching standards to fuse Eastern and Western cultures and ideas, and create a fully inclusive learning community with children, parents, teachers all embracing the value of being life-long learners. 让每一位小朋友都做最好的自己 Be yourself and be the best you can be 让每一位小朋友都做最好的自己是唯诗礼幼儿园始终坚持的理念,在鼓励探索,开拓视野,深植世界襟怀的大宗旨之下,唯诗礼幼儿园致力于培养高情商的世界小公民。唯诗礼培养的不是听话的小朋友,而是懂得遵守规则的小朋友。注重培养的不是一味追求成功的小朋友,而是懂得幸福,有能力获得幸福的小朋友,而获取幸福的能力就是始终有自信和独立精神,做最好的自己! It’s in the title! Wesley hopes to provide a platform and role model for all children to follow, in order to become deeply rooted in the world and blossom into smart, succesful, independent, and happy global citizens with high emotional intelligence.
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