杭州科德未来幼儿园是杭州科德教育联手英国著名的百年名校阿德科特学校(AdcoteSchool),与阿德科特中国总校、英国GreatBallard国际学校合作打造的一所专业的、全日制、高品质国际幼儿园。园区位于余杭区未来科技城核心区块,室内建筑总面积近7000平方米,室外面积近4000平方米。2020年12月1日科德未来幼儿园获得IBO国际文凭组织批准正式成为IB-PYP候选学校。 科德未来幼儿园善于发掘,保护,弘扬每个孩子与生俱来的天赋。我们拥有10多个艺术门类的专业功能室(绘本室、美工室、木工坊、科学室、沙水池、烘培室、环保工艺室、陶艺室等),让每个孩子都能在艺术表达的形式和爱好上找到属于自己的天地。并专门设置了游泳馆和运动馆,为孩子提供宽敞、功能健全的运动空间,让孩子接受专业的的体能指导。
Recruit Students
Campus 园区介绍 杭州科德未来幼儿园余杭园区于2020年开园,位于余杭区未来科技城中心区块,园区建筑总面积约为13000平方米,是一所国际文凭组织IBO认证的IB-PYP学校。 The kindergarten is spacious — with over 13000m² of space and is situated in the heart of Hangzhou Future Science and Technology City. Cade International Kindergarten is an IB-accredited school. 杭州科德未来幼儿园是科德教育集团联手英国百年名校阿德科特学校,与阿德科特中国校区、英国Great Ballard国际学校合作打造的一所专业的、高品质的国际化幼儿园,满足家长不出国门享受世界一流品质的双语教育需求。 Hangzhou's Cade Education Group has worked in collaboration with Adcote School UK, Adcote Shanghai and with Great Ballard School. It is a professional, high-quality, International kindergarten which more than meets the needs of parents that are looking for the advantages of a world-class bilingual education without the need to study abroad. Educational philosophy 教育理念 在科德未来幼儿园我们坚信,儿童是第一位的。每个儿童都是独一无二而又同等重要的。我们为儿童提供优越的教学环境和课程体系,在合作和沟通中,培养他们成为自信独立、勤于思考、积极探究的终身学习者。 At our school, children come first. We understand that every child is different and that every child is equally important. Our curriculum is designed to encourage students to become: self-confident, independent, critical thinkers, and life-long learners. Curriculum IB 课程模式 杭州科德未来幼儿园采用IB PYP课程体系,针对幼儿年龄特点和身心发展规律精心设计,兼顾不同年龄幼儿的个性与完整性,充分整合中外教育资源,创造多元、多维、多向的国际化教育课程;采用中、英语言教学,让孩子在浸润式的双语环境中提高语言表达能力和发展思维,为适应国际化课程学习积累经验,取得先发优势,为终身发展奠定基础。 Our International Baccalaureate (IB) curriculum aligns with the Chinese early years guidelines. It nurtures the IB learner profile. IB learners strive to be: inquirers, knowledgeable, thinkers, communicators, principled, open-minded, caring, risk-takers-balanced and reflective. 科德未来幼儿园采取小班化教学方式。我们专业优质的教师团队致力于为每一位儿童提供个性化教育,了解和满足他们的需求。每个班级配备一名全职外教、一名中文教师、一名双语教师和一名生活教师。班级内老师相互配合进行分组教学工作,小组教学可以很好地激发老师与儿童间的个性化互动,促进师幼建立真正的联系。 Teaching within the classroom is in three small groups simultaneously - small group teaching enables personal child-teacher interactions - personal interactions which ensure the speedy development of genuine child-teacher bonds. Every classroom has a teaching team - a Chinese teacher, a bilingual Chinese English teacher, a foreign teacher, and a life teacher. EYFS 托育部 科德托育部构建了独有的中西文化融合的国际儿童课程体系,遵循英国EYFS早期教育框架,采用愉悦的、有挑战性的游戏式教学方式,强调教育要以儿童的的兴趣为出发点来开展教学活动,融入自然教育、国际社交礼仪、中国传统文化等教育元素,帮助孩子培养好奇心与探索世界的精神,成为快乐、自信、乐于探索的人。 Pre-K Grade of Cade Kindergarten has established a unique international early childhood curriculum system that combines both Chinese and Western culture while following the British Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) framework. It is based on the educational concept that parents should provide their children with the best possible start in life. We encourage joyful and challenging play-based learning and believe that education should be tailored to children's interests. The system also incorporates elements of natural education, international social etiquette, and traditional Chinese culture to cultivate curiosity and a spirit of exploration in children, helping them become happy, confident, and curious individuals. Specialist Subjects 特色课程 Phonics 自然拼读与阅读课程 使用英国本土教材,培养儿童英文的听说读写能力,掌握纯正英语发音。 UK research-based phonics programme. Swimming 游泳课程 通过针对孩子设计的游泳课程培养儿童坚韧个性及强健体魄,帮助孩子从小形成克服困难的勇敢性格。 Our Swimming classes are designed to foster a love of swimming in our students and to encourage the growth of strength and fitness. The process of successfully learning to swim involves facing and overcoming challenges, and understanding and managing risks which in turn helps children to develop both self-confidence and resilience. PE 体育课程 培养儿童对不同体育活动的兴趣和热爱,发展儿童的各项运动能力。 Our children develop their gross and fine motor skills, speed, balance, agility, teamwork, strategy, fitness and their knowledge of healthy lifestyles whilst enjoying the exercise PE provides. Art and Design technology 美术、陶艺、木工等艺术类课程 我们有美工坊和木工坊两个功能室。孩子可以在美工坊绘画、在木工坊制作陶泥作品和木工作品。艺术类课程非常适合培养孩子的想象力、创造力、动手能力、精细动作、艺术气息及美感,同时也能培养孩子解决问题的能力。 The art department consists of two different rooms. One room focuses primarily on pictorial art (drawing painting collage etc.), whilst the other supports creative development through delivery of design technology (clay-work, pottery, woodwork etc.) In both rooms, it is lovely to see children using their imagination, creativity and problem-solving abilities to create their own unique artwork as they further refine their gross and fine motor skills. Environmental Sustainability (Green Class) 种植课程 每个班级都有独立的户外种植区域,为孩子提供接触大自然机会,培养孩热爱地球、关爱植物、保护环境的意识。 Every class has its own garden which allows children to be introduced to the natural world and develop their knowledge and understanding through the growing of vegetables and flowers. Through maintenance of their gardens, our children learn to be caring and take responsibility for maintaining a sustainable environment. This is further enhanced by the use and re-purposing of recycled materials not just in “Green” lessons but also during regular classroom times. Music 音乐课程 从小培养孩子的乐感,用探究式教学方法,发展儿童对音乐的兴趣热爱。 We have a well-qualified and experienced music teacher who inspires a real love of music in the children as they explore the rhythms, instruments and emotions of music from all parts of the world. After School Activities 丰富选修课 我们还设有网球、高尔夫、芭蕾、跆拳道等十几门丰富多彩的选修课。 We have a range of after-school activities, like golf, tennis, ballet, taekwondo, and etc. Meals 餐食 科德非常重视孩子的食品安全及膳食营养管控,从食材选购、制作、留样、餐食制作,都有严格的标准。为了孩子的营养均衡,孩子们的食谱由营养师精心定制。中西式的餐点强调“多元化“及”满足孩子一日的营养需求”。 We attach great importance to children's food safety and the control of dietary nutrition. The children's daily menu is carefully customized by a dietitian. Our meals are not only diverse but also meet each child's daily nutritional needs. Management Team 管理团队 01 乔纳森·米尔先生 Mr. Jonathan Mills 资深国际教育专家 科德未来幼儿园创始校长 乔纳森校长拥有近30年的国际教育工作经验,其中23年负责主持学校管理和领导工作。在来到中国之前,乔纳森校长英国著名的贵族学校Great Ballard学校担任校长,主管所有教学和学术事务。 为了更好的实现教育梦想,帮助更多的孩子接触更好的国际教育,乔纳森校长2013年来到中国,他带领团队用三年时间成功打造了浙江第二所IB PYP幼儿园。之后,乔纳森加入杭州惠灵顿国际学校,担任小学部创始校长。2019年出任科德未来幼儿园创始校长,并于2019年秋季正式入职。 Jonathan has 30 years of experience in school management and leadership in UK and internationally. He came to China in 2013, led two schools to IB accreditation, and was the founding head of Huili bilingual primary school Hangzhou and Wellington college International prep before joining Cade International Kindergarten. 02 Qing Wang教授 Prof. Qing Wang 英国华威大学商学院前副院长 浙江大学客座教授 科德未来幼儿园课程督导 03 陆春镐先生 Dr. Luke Lu 资深国际教育专家 科德未来幼儿园执行董事 04 章晓璟女士 Mrs. Xiaojing Zhang 资深托育开拓者 科德未来幼儿园行政园长 05 孙小茜 Mrs. Celia Sun IB PYP项目培训官 科德未来幼儿园教学园长 英国曼彻斯特大学教育专业硕士 另外幼儿园根据自身强大的社会资源优势,聘请国内外专家为教师提供专业培训。 Domestic and foreign experts are invited to provide professional training for our staff. 师资团队 教师是教育实践的第一梯队,是幼儿成长过程中的支持者和引导者,为此我们对教师精挑细选。目前,在幼儿园中方团队中40%的教师有海外教育经历,其他中方教师都有本科及以上的学历。外教都来自英、美国家,口语纯正,拥有丰富的教学经验。两者将共同组建成一支教学经验丰富,充满爱心的教师团队。 We employ the very best teachers in order to provide the best possible impact on our children and their development, Our teachers act as supporters, guides and facilitators in the process of a child's growth. At present, 40% of our Chinese teachers have experience of delivering education overseas, whilst the remainder of our Chinese teachers have bachelor's or Master's degrees, some of which were gained overseas. Foreign teachers all have English as their mother tongue and are both well-qualified and experienced. Admission 招生规模和计划 园区共设4个托班(每班15人),4个小班(每班18人),4个中班(每班18人),4个大班(每班18人)。 2023年秋季,将招收两个托班,三个小班,少量中大班插班生。 The maximum number of students per class is: Pre-K 15 students, K1,K2 and K3 - 18 students 招生对象(2023年秋季) Age Requirements ( Autumn term of 2023) 托班 Pre-k 2020.9.1—2021.8.31 小班 K1 2019.9.1—2020.8.31 中班 K2 2018.9.1—2019.8.31 大班 K3 2017.9.1—2018.8.31 收费标准(2023年秋季) Tuition Fees ( Autumn term of 2023) 托班: 国际班 12000元/月 双语班 8800元/月 小班:国际班 12000元/月 (按学期进行缴费) Admissions Process 招生流程 1. 报名时间:即日起 When: From today 2. 方式:关注微信公众号,登记预约信息。 How: Follow our WeChat official account and complete the application 3. 现场咨询:每天(或工作日) Times to visit: Every workday 4. 咨询电话:0571-89099666/15336521777 Contact : 0571-89099666/15336521777
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