Introduction to the school
Shanghai Concord Bilingual School (hereafter referred to as ‘Shanghai Concord’) is the first internationalized private school in the Huangpu District. Recruiting students from Grades 1 to 12, the school is fully supported by the Party Committee and the Government of Huangpu District and is guided by the Huangpu District Education Bureau. In 2020 SCBS welcomes its third intake of Primary G1 students.
In order to achieve the high academic standard that we aspire to, we will be working in cooperation with the UK’s premier international school, Concord College UK.
学校崇尚学术立校,因此携手在学术方面有卓越追求和辉煌成就的英国顶尖私立名校康德学院(Concord College UK)共同开创在上海的学术办学之路。
Shanghai Concord has a management team led by the former Principal of the High School affiliated to Fudan University, Mr. Xie Yingping, who has a leading reputation and considerable influence in the field of education in the region. Meanwhile, Mrs. Rachel Borland joined SCBS as the new Executive Principal. Using her experience learnt in the many schools she has led, Mrs. Borland is well positioned to lead SCBS in the direction of high achievement and with eyes on the very top universities worldwide. In addition, our new school has received full support from Concord College UK in appointing the academic management team and excellent expatriate teachers. With the local academic leaders and young teachers with great potential, the first class staff team has committed to building an international environment in the school and this new community is working within an atmosphere of mutual respect and understanding.
学校领导团队由在上海教育界有着极高声望和影响力的特级校长、原上海复旦附中校长谢应平先生领衔,Mrs. Rachel Borland 女士担任学校执行校长一职务。同时,学校依托英国康德学院直接引进学术管理团队及优秀外籍教师,携手市级、区级学科带头人和极富潜力的青年教师组成一流师资团队,共同营造学校国际化的人文环境和交流氛围,促进不同文化间的相互理解。
The school will fully deliver the Chinese National Curriculum based on standards set by the Shanghai Education Commission. We offer no overseas curriculum. No overseas textbooks are used throughout our lesson delivery. We have established a school that has bilingual courses, Chinese and English enrichment courses with their own characteristics. Such an approach has offered students not only academic development but also the development of independent learning style and career planning. We believe that this is the best way to foster students who not only have regional, cultural and national identity with an international perspective but also have physical and mental health, curiosity and creativity. It is our goal to imbue our students with this ethos so that they will become the backbone of our future society.
Shanghai Concord Bilingual School is located in the Huangpu District at No.385 South Rui Jin Road. Although currently housed on a temporary campus, it has the quality of an international school. The school offers buses services. Accommodation is available to students in need.
The school’s recruitment plan and procedure
1. The recruitment process will be carried out according to the “Student Recruitment in Compulsory Education in 2020 by Shanghai Municipal Education Commission” and the “Huang Pu District 2020 Primary School Student Enrollment Policy”.
2. Enrolment Categories and Numbers:In 2020 we will recruit four classes (preparatory class for primary school), 120 new students, 30 students per class. The details of the enrolment categories and numbers are as below:
3. Recruitment Scope: Kindergarten graduation year students whose information has been registered with the “Shanghai Compulsory Education Enrollment System”.
4. Please apply online through the Shanghai Compulsory Education Enrolment System (shrxbm.edu.sh.gov.cn) between April 26th and 28th. You can select Shanghai Concord Bilingual School as the only choice, or add another option as your secondary adjustment choice.
5. Admission Based on Categories
1) First Choice Confirmation
* The first round of enrolment takes place between May 18th and May 19th. If the number of applications exceeds the number of places available in a private school, then students will be selected randomly through computer draw.
* Between May 20th and May 21st, the first round of offers will be sent out via text messages and parents must respond to the offer by text or through the Compulsory Education Enrollment System portal.
2) Second Choice Confirmation (not mandatory, doesn’t apply to everyone)
* The second round of enrolment takes place between May 23rd and May 24th.
* 5月18日—5月19日为报名志愿录取时间。如报名人数小于或等于招生计划数,则全部录取。如报名人数超过招生计划数的,由区教育局实行电脑摇号随机录取。
* 5月20日—5月21日可以组织验证。5月20日起,通过短信和“上海市义务教育入学报名系统”陆续告知相关入学信息。
* 5月23日—5月24日为调剂志愿录取时间。
In accordance with regulations of the Municipal Education Commission, the recruitment will be completed on May 27th, 2020.
Enrolment commitment and information disclosure
1. The following “three promises” will be strictly enforced: No advance registrations or interviews,no acceptance of special CVs and certificates from appropriately aged students, no association with any education training organizations.
We offer no overseas curriculum. No overseas textbooks are used throughout our lesson delivery.
2. No charge (including registration fees, interview fees and sponsorship fees) will incur during the application process. Please report any suspicious cases of charging under the name of student recruitment to the Municipal and District Administrative Department for Education and Discipline Inspection Departments.
3. Information regarding student recruitment and the admissions process and other related information will be disclosed under the “school recruitment” column on our official website: http://www.concordschool.com.cn
School official wechat account: Shanghai Concord Bilingual School
Tuition fees and standards
Approved by the Huangpu District Commodity Price Bureau, the tuition fee for SCBS Primary per student per term will be 80000RMB, 160000RMB for the whole academic year of 2020-2021.
At present our school can provide accommodation for students who really need it. Approved by the Huangpu District Commodity Price Bureau, the accommodation fee will be 28950RMB per term, 57900RMB per academic year. The final expenditure will be subject to the actual costs incurred.
Additional fees will be charged for transportation, uniform and lunch upon approval from the Huangpu District Commodity Price Bureau.
The school address and contact details
School address | 学校地址
No.385 South Rui Jin Road (near Quxi Road)
The admission advisory telephone | 招生联系电话
021-5307-9916, 3331-0907
(8am to 16:30pm from Monday to Friday)
School website | 学校网址
Shanghai Concord Bilingual School
20th March, 2020
Shanghai Concord is the first bilingual private school from Grade 1 to Grade 12 established in Huangpu District in 2017. We currently have grades 1, 2, 3, 6, 7, 8, 10, 11 and 12. The school enjoys full support from the Party Committee, the Government of Huangpu District and is under the guidance of the Huangpu District Education Bureau. Shanghai Concord and Concord College UK are sister schools.
We not only pursue academic excellence, but also strive to enable our students to unlock their full potential and develop holistically.
学校地址: 上海市黄浦区汝南街53号
招生热线:(021) 53079916; (021) 33310907
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