About Angel Garden Kindergarten
Angel Garden Kindergarten is a full-time high quality kindergarten.
Our goals are to create a flexible, relaxed and family-oriented learning atmosphere for children, to adopt a bilingual and multicultural teaching model, to let children to communicate with people from different cultural backgrounds, to promote children's personal development and improvement of social, communicational, thinking and independent living abilities.
办园宗旨 Mission Statement 我们的幼儿园通过创设和谐、宽松的教育环境和温馨的家庭氛围,为孩子们: -提供高质量的国际教育,培养幼儿面向未来,使他们成为自豪的熟知本国传统和别国文化的世界公民。 -融汇中西方优秀的教学方法,实践双语教学,培养幼儿自信地使用汉语和英语。 -关注幼儿在学习和个性上全面发展,使他们成为适应能力强、道德高尚、关心他人、乐于合作的人。 Our kindergarten provides safe and secure,caring and nurting environment for children. We provide highly qualified international education, that prepares young children for the future. We support their development into global citizens and proud representative of their national cultures by merging Chinese and Western teaching and learning approaches, practicing bilingualism and ensuring that children are confident in Chinese as well as in English. We also emphasize the personality as well as the academic development of the students,so that children become adaptable,moral,thoughtful and cooperative individuals. 课程设置 Curriculum 幼儿园的课程设置以专业化、整合性以及开放性为特征。 The curriculum in Angal Garden Kindergarten has the attribute feature of specialization,integrity and flexible framework. 课程主要分为两类 Two main Subjects 共同性课程:基础性课程、幼小衔接课程 特色课程:多元文化活动、英语课程 Common Courses:Basic Subjects, Connecting courses from kindergarten to primary school Featured Courses:Multicultural activities and English courses 班级设置 Programs 开设托班、小班、中班、大班四个年段,招收2-6周岁的适龄幼儿。 We offer programsacross Toddlers,Pre K,K1 and K2,enrolling children from 2 to 6 years old. 招生对象 Enrollment Information 托班:2017.9.1-2018.8.31 小班:2016.9.1-2017.8.31 中班:2015.9.1-2016.8.31 大班:2014.9.1-2015.8.31 招生热线 Enrollment Hotline 电话Tel:63017179 招生电话Enrollment hotline: 13774259896 姜老师 招生邮箱Enrollment email: tshy_kindergarten@163.com 报名方式 Enrollment Method 感谢您对天使花园幼儿园的关注! 请扫描下方二维码进行报名,我们会在招生工作启动后按照报名顺序联系家长!感谢您的支持! Thank you for your attention to Angel Garden Kindergarten! Please scan the QR code below to register, and we will contact parents according to the registration order after the enrollment process starts! Thank you for your support!
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