
文章-第一届“协和杯”辩论赛 First SUIS Chinese Debate Competition


第一届“协和杯”辩论赛 First SUIS Chinese Debate Competition



    First SUIS Chinese Debate Competition










    SUIS High School Chinese Department is going to hold the first Chinese Debate competition, to cultivate students’ abilities of critical thinking, presentation and team work.



    经过初赛、复赛和半决赛三个阶段,共18场、144人次的精彩角逐,2支队伍突破重围,进入到了5月8日的总决赛。他们分别是正方:徐之骜、 李襄  、姜炫伊、 陈瀚洋;反方:徐述、夏蕴忻、马千跞、仲芩。

    After the preliminary round, intermediary and the semi-final rounds of the competition - which incorporated a total of eighteen formal debates from different groups and the participation of one hundred and forty-four students - two groups were able to make it into the May 8th final round. These students are Owen Xu, Olivia Li, Catherine Jiang, and Simon Chen from the affirmative side. From the opposing side, the students are Jack Xu, Asteria Xia, Bella Ma, and Vikki Zhong.



    As the technology and scientific fields develop, internet usage becomes more and more common in people’s daily life.  The scale it operates on increases day by day, exerting deep influences on multiple aspects of people’s social life and production as well as bringing changes to humans’ conventional way of life and social interaction. One may ask the question “what exactly are the influences that the internet brings to people’s social interactions with others.” With this question in mind, the affirmative side of the participants asserted that the Internet causes people to become closer to each other. On the other hand, the negative side claims that the Internet alienates people. A fierce debate then followed.


    In the process of the competition, the eight debaters quoted extensively and had clear logic. Combined with theory, a large number of data and relevant cases, they fully demonstrated the influence of the network on interpersonal relationships. The two sides were tit for tat and they did not give in to each other’s rebuttals which contributed to a well-founded and exciting debate. After the fierce battle of argument, attack and defense stage, attack and defense summary, free debate and summary, the opposition finally won the championship.  Vikki Zhong won the honorary title of "The Best Debater" for her outstanding performance. At the same time, the audience voted Catherine Jiang as “The Best Performance”.



    Let's see what some of the participants had to say.




    Through several rounds of debate, my mindset changed from the so-called ‘getting-things-done quickly’ type of mindset in the beginning, to the ‘having fun’ type of mindset in the end. I like to engage in debates that need arguments and defenses that tend to change according to different situations and to hear about the powerful points supported with statistics and with the process of getting to know my group. The fact that I made it into the final round makes me feel both excited and anxious. However, after realizing that I will be confronted with equally able opponents very soon, I feel a stream of excitement arise from my heart. It is proven that at this point, it is very important to have a good and stable mindset. When I found out that my group won first place in the competition, me, being shocked and too thrilled, grabbed my group members’ arms into mine. Winning first place is a group honor under great team cooperation. I am very thankful to my teammates and teachers. Looking at the champion-trophy of the “First SUIS Chinese Debate Competition” in my hands, I made up my mind to prepare even harder with a usual mindset for next year’s debate competition, perform better in it too, and not let my teachers as well as teammates down.

    This year’s debate competition is indeed a precious experience of mine. Also, it is one of my modest learning journeys and full enjoyment.




    Being more accustomed to Public Forum (a style of American debate), I was initially doubtful of my competence in Chinese debate. But in fact, common traits such as aggressiveness, logic and performance under pressure apply fully to Chinese debate and I was able to capitalize on that. After gaining several victories, I gradually regained my confidence in Chinese debate. I really appreciate our teachers' emphasis on logic. Instead of judging the debate superficially, they weighed the importance of each team’s argument, assess student performance and judge it accordingly.



    Audiences and volunteers:




    Starting from the preliminary round of the competition, I took part in every stage with the identity of a participant at first, then the identity of a member of the audience, and then the identity of a host at the end. My various roles in the competition made me learn a lot.

    As a participant in the competition and a member of its audience, I feel the solemn atmosphere of it. Being different from a common quarrel, a debate needs the two opposite sides to try their best to persuade the audience as well as the judge through language, evidence, and effective expressive skills as well as to disprove each other’s stance on the subject that is being debated over. I gradually realize that having an ample amount of pre-competition preparation with a quick and nimble mind during the actual competition is the key to success. Also, I learned that reviewing the actual competition to figure out what more could be done after it is over can help me to improve my skills in the field of debate.

    As the host of the competition, my capacity for hosting and managing the stage was strictly tested in the process. Reminding the participants and resolving the mistakes that took place on stage mades me understand how to act accordingly under different scenarios. I also felt the charm of such a debate contest which is what the old Chinese saying suggests “when enemies come, there are soldiers to defend the country and when the floods come, there are dams to protect it.”



    Audiences and volunteers



    I learned a lot of skills with regards to debate in this contest. For instance, I learned that I should use a huge quantity of statistics that are deemed as professional and reliable and increase my knowledge on the debate topic in order to cope with the debate more easily and comfortably. Also, I learn that I should make notes on what my opponents say during the entire debate, especially where there is a flaw in their claims so that I could make them become speechless and win the debate.

    I also learn that both sides should play all of their efforts into the actual competition, no matter win or lose.



    Audiences and volunteers:


    In this debate contest, I learned about the negative as well as the positive influences the Internet brings to people’s social interactions. In the days beyond, I will spend less time on my phone. Instead, I will spend more time accompanying my parents.



    Audiences and volunteers


    In nowadays’ society, relationships between people has become weaker due to the occupation of phones in individuals’ daily life. As a result, we should put down our phones and devote ourselves more to our family members.





    Looking back on this debate contest, from the preliminary contest to the final, the improvement of the students is very obvious, and the improvement is far beyond the debate skills. Some students expressed a more rational understanding of the network. Some students knew more about the importance of teamwork. Some students improved their ability of organization and coordination in the process of assisting teachers. In a competition, we have different gains, but none of them come back empty handed. This is the original intention of this competition: I hope the students had their own gains!



    Looking forward to next year!

    Where East Meets West




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