
文章-走进苏州,探寻园林意趣 Walk into Suzhou,Explore the Garden's Interest


走进苏州,探寻园林意趣 Walk into Suzhou,Explore the Garden's Interest

    “上有天堂,下有苏杭”。苏州历史悠久,底蕴深厚, 名胜众多,人文荟萃,是历代文人墨客笔下的“常客”,而典雅精致的苏州园林,更是人们心向往之的人间天堂。

    "There is paradise in heaven as there are Suzhou and Hangzhou on earth". Suzhou has a long history with an abundance of historical and cultural heritage.

    It was written by literati and inscriptions of past dynasties. The elegant gardens of Suzhou are a paradise on earth that people yearn for.


    In order to further enhance the humanistic quality of students, all G8 teachers and students visited Suzhou from May 6th to May 8th, enjoying the beautiful scenery, human landscape, folk customs, history and culture of the water towns in the south of the Yangtze River, receiving cultural influence in the rich and colorful activities, and feeling the profound historical and cultural deposits of Suzhou.


    Hanshan Temple


    “Mring by Maple Bridge At Night”, the poem which was written by a great poet of Tang Dynasty Zhang Ji is well-known to all, and Hanshan Temple has also become a famous temple at home and abroad because of this poem.


    On May 6th, we came to Hanshan Temple with admiration. The trees were whirling in the breeze and the courtyard in the temple were interlaced everywhere. What struck us deeply was the black stele on the white stone wall, engraved with the writings of sages and famous masters.


    During our visit to Hanshan Temple, we not only enjoyed the features of the thousand-year-old temple, learned the origin of its name, listened to the legendary stories of the eminent monks Hanshan and Shide in Tang Dynasty, and understood the unique meaning of the bell ringing 108 times in Hanshan Temple during the New Year, but also experienced the bell ringing to pray for blessings, expressing respect for Buddhist culture.


    Humble Administrator's Garden


    The beautiful garden which experienced the vicissitudes of life still stands upright in the course of history. As one of the representative classical gardens in the south of the Yangtze River, the Humble Administrator's Garden has a history of more than 400 years.

    进入拙政园,真如叶圣陶先生所说:“无论站在哪个点上,眼前总是一幅完美的图画。” “江南园林甲天下,苏州园林甲江南”。亭台楼馆、曲径斜廊,黑色的瓦、苍古的树、摇翠的竹,拙政园如同青苔上长出的一阕宋词,优美着风华绝代的苏州。

    As the saying goes, “No matter where you stand, there is always a perfect picture.” “Jiangnan gardens are the best in the world, and Suzhou gardens are the best in Jiangnan”. The Humble Administrator's Garden, which possesses elegant pavilions, winding corridors, black tiles, ancient trees, and swaying bamboos is just like a beautiful poetry and makes Suzhou more beautiful and majestic.


    Suzhou Museum


    Suzhou Museum was established in 1960, located in the Zhongwang Mansion of the Taiping Heavenly Kingdom, and was designed by the famous architect Mr. Pei I.M.


    When we walked into the museum, we were attracted by the architectural style of the museum at first sight. It is not only full of modern science and technology but also has the charm of ancient Chinese architecture. There are many cultural relics in the collection, up to more than 40,000 pieces. Wearing explanation headphones, we are deeply immersed in the magic and beauty of ancient treasures.


    Tiger Hill


    "Tiger Hill" has a history of nearly 2500 years and is known as "the first place of interest in Wuzhong". Towering ancient trees in the park, there are many historical sites.


    We followed the tour guide upstairs and listened to the introduction of Tiger Hill with great interest. There are mysterious sword ponds, the legendary Zhenniang's tomb, and the Han Han Quan. The most impressive thing is the Tiger Hill Pagoda, which is large in scale, exquisite in structure, and unique in shape. In particular, it is slanted but not down, which broadened our horizon. No wonder Su Dongpo, a great literati thousands of years ago once said, "It is a pity to go to Suzhou without visiting Tiger Hill." Indeed, Tiger Hill Mountain is not only beautiful in scenery, but also has a long history and splendid culture.


    Tinglin Garden


    The Ting Lin Garden, located in Kunshan, is in memory of Gu Yanwu (Mr. Ting Lin), a famous Confucian scholar in the late Ming and early Qing dynasties. Mr. Ting Lin was respected as the "great Confucian" because he learned cultural knowledge extensively and acted with shame.


    "Everybody is responsible for the rise and fall of the world." These words are inspiring and resounding throughout the ages. They have become the motto of Chinese people throughout the ages and the national spirit of unremitting struggle for the rise and rejuvenation of China. Its origin is Mr. Tinglin's Rizhilu.


     Following in the footsteps of the narrator, we learned step by step the origins of Mr. Tinglin’s family studies when he was young, the difficult times he experienced when he was young, the way he learned from the mountains, and the 25-year journey to the north of Wanli Mingdao to save the world...Let us also set up the ambition of " Learn for the rising of China".



    During our visit to Hanshan Temple, we not only enjoyed the features of the thousand-year-old temple, learned the origin of its name, listened to the legendary stories of the eminent monks Hanshan and Shide in Tang Dynasty, and understood the unique meaning of the bell ringing 108 times in Hanshan Temple during the New Year, but also experienced the bell ringing to pray for blessings, expressing respect for Buddhist culture.

    Where East Meets West




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