
文章-2021初中部夏季音乐会 Summer Concert


2021初中部夏季音乐会 Summer Concert


    SUIS-WY Middle School


    We are extremely delighted and excited to spend with you this wonderful night of May. In May, we sing and rejoice. In May, we hope and dream. At this beautiful season, we welcomed our concert of this semester.


    Grade 6


    As we know, our concert is not only a performance or celebration, but also an examination of what we learnt in music this semester. The focus of Grade 6 music lessons has been on musical instruments. We studied various knowledge and skills of these instruments, and put theories into practice through the use of recorder.

    I’ve Been Working On the Railroad是一首美国民歌,它最早是十九世纪三四十年代路易斯安那州密西西比河南部修筑铁路的工人们唱的《大堤曲》。随着筑大堤变为建铁路,这强有力的曲调被填上新词,成了密西西比州西部大多数爱尔兰铁路工人唱的一支歌。到1880年为止,各民族以及来自各国的工人们已经铺设了近十万英里的铁道,这支歌也传遍了38个州。

    I’v Been Working On the Railroad is an American folk song. It was first sung by railroad builders in the 1930s and 1940s in South Mississippi, Louisiana. By 1880, nearly 100,000 miles of railroads had been built by workers of different nationalities all over the world. This song had therefore spread to 38 states in the US.


    The next piece of music performance comes from a song called the “Bell Dance”. It’s filled with vivid musical characteristics of the Miao ethnicity, depicting the joyful scene of their traditional singing and dancing.

    Tis A Gift To Be Simple是一首非常著名的美国乡村民谣。该曲取材于美国圣战教的一首诗“这是一份简单的礼物,这是一份随手可得的礼物,这是一份留传在我们宿命当中的礼物。当我们找到自己该去的地方时,她就会出现在充满爱和欢乐的山谷里,当我们找到真正的简单时,我们转身就能找到幸福。”

    Tis A Gift To Be Simple is a traditional song written in 1848 that comes from from the Shaker community - a group that lived in the countryside of United States. The lyrics praise the ideal of living a simple life and paint a picture of freedom through song. The Shakers were famous for their dancing, it’s even where they got their name from! The song lyrics even include instructions for dancing to ‘turn turn’ and ‘ to come round right.’


    As we learned in grade 6, percussion instruments include any instrument that you can hit, strike, shake, or crash. - this includes piano and as you’ll soon see even garbage! But they didn’t only learn to play percussion, they also learned to compose their own rhythmic melody. A Rondo is a musical form that alternates between a theme and other melodies.


    Grade 7

    七年级音乐课的侧重点在戏剧音乐上,用音乐讲述故事。课上,我们学习了音乐剧,电影音乐,西方歌剧,中国戏曲,并进行了比较,让我们感受到了Where East Meets West(中西文化融合)在戏剧音乐上的碰撞。同时,我们还学习了简单的尤克里里弹唱。

    In Grade 7, the focus of our class was Drama music, namely telling stories with music. During class, we studied musical, film music, Western opera, and Chinese opera. We compared these different genres of music and were quite inspired to see how Eastern and Western drama music blend or differ. In addition, we also learnt to play ukulele and sing.

    I Am Papageno That’s My Name是奥地利音乐家莫扎特最后一部歌剧《魔笛》中的一首咏叹调。捕鸟人Papageno是剧中带有喜剧因素的一个亮点,这首咏叹调以民谣为基调,生动灵活、轻松的刻画出其快乐的天性。

    I Am Papageno That's My Name is an aria in Mozart's last opera ‘Magic Flute’. Papageno, a bird catcher, is one of the highlights of this comic play. This aria thus vividly depicts the delightful nature of him.


    The song "Snail" was created by the famous singer Jay Chou, who wrote this song to inspire himself during a low ebb of his career. He was also trying to encourage youngsters to pursue their dreams step by step, just as he did. This song is therefore highly inspiring and powerful for all those who relentlessly press forward despite the harsh realities of life.

    歌曲Oo De Lally选自“罗宾汉的故事”。罗宾汉,是英国民间传说中的英雄人物。他联合同伴小约翰、温里奥等人,劫富济贫,整治暴戾的贵族、官吏,并把得来的钱财用于救助贫苦百姓,体现了中世纪英国人民反抗封建压迫的精神。在英国的传说中,罗宾汉的名字极为响亮。七年级的同学用尤克里里为我们讲述了罗宾汉的故事。

    Keeping with our theme of sterling a story, the Grade 7 class will now tell you a story through song. Oo De Lally tells the story of the friendship between Robin Hood and his very tall friend Little John. The legendary Robin Hood, lived in the forest and stole from the rich to give to the poor with his band of merry men. His best friend and partner in crime was Little John who helped him evade his enemies the Sheriff and his Posse. This song is sung in the country style and features the ukulele and some very fast singing!

    众所周知,音乐剧的特点是用音乐的形式展示完整的故事。课上,我们尝试用尤克里里弹唱了一首选自音乐剧《吉屋出租》的歌曲Seasons Of Love.这首歌发行于1996年,给人以复古、平静、轻柔 、爵士的感觉。

    Musical Theater is still one of the most popular forms of telling stories through music. This next selection, Seasons of Love comes from the 1996 Hit Broadway Musical Rent written by Jonathan Larsen. This song asks the question how can we find meaning in our life, how can we quantify the value of our daily lives? Should we measure in minutes? In miles traveled? In the end the song concludes that we should “measure in love.”


    Grade 8

    八年级音乐课的侧重点在世界音乐上。非洲音乐,以及由非洲音乐衍生出来的布鲁斯音乐等,给我们留下了非常深刻的印象。其中call and response(一领众和)的形式尤其重要。歌曲Day-O,很好地诠释了“一领众和”这种音乐形式。

    In Grade 8, our focus was on world music, such as African music and blues music which derived from African music. For these types of music, the practice of call and response was very important. And the song Day-O is a perfect example to show how call and response works.


    In our music class, we also learned about traditional Chinese music. ‘The Little Creek’ is a typical fold song of Yunnan culture, created by Yin Yigong in 1947. The lyrics of this song are simple and genuine, full of imagination and sincere feelings. It also depicts the vitality and innocence of a beautiful young girl.


    This year we spent many weeks learning about the Blues and learning to improvise - that is to perform with no preparation in the moment! Splanky is a blues melody written by Neal Hefti for legendary Jazz orchestra conductor and pianist Count Basie. In this tune you will hear a “jazz sandwich”: first the jazzy melody of Splanky followed by student soloists playing their own improvisation and ending with the melody once more!


    African music is the foundation of many styles of music. It features a lot of different types of percussion, many rhythms playing at the same time, singing, and dancing.  The next song you will hear is a song from Liberia called Banuwa. The percussion instruments you will hear are the Djembe, a drum held between your legs, the Shekere, usually a shaker made from a gourd and small beads or shells, and the double bell. The words of Banuwa are simple and repeat many times, they mean “Don’t cry, Don’t cry, pretty little girl, Don’t cry.”






    We gathered here to savor the joy of music! We’ve also spent a splendid night filled with beautiful music! We look forward to meeting you all again next time. For now, let’s part our ways in the knowledge that music will continue to inspire and brighten our life.

    Where East Meets West




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